NHS 111 Scam

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We have been informed that cyber criminals are using ‘NHS 111’ as a cover for a scam. 

The cyber criminals are calling in the early hours of the morning (sometimes as early as 3am) claiming to be ‘NHS 111’ and asking to speak to xxxx (patient’s name). The cyber criminal then says they have had a call from them and are calling back to offer assistance.

They will ask questions i.e. the patient’s date of birth, address, if they live alone, etc.

This is called “phishing” so that they may build a profile of a person and then use the details to obtain other information which they can then use to access bank accounts etc.

If any of our patients or their family members receive a call from someone claiming to be from ‘NHS 111’ and have not called ‘NHS 111’ you are advised to hang up.